Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Snoopy Mothers Bother Me

Sorry I haven't posted anything in forever. I was in Austin and one of my best friends and my favorite person in the world is going to the hospital. I'll post later. Bye

Friday, July 3, 2009

Okay Seriously?!

So I was on youtube a minute ago looking up some new post hardcore bands and YOU ALL FUCKING SUCK IN MUSIC TASTE! ALL OF YOU! Here is the decent post hardcore bands. Top 15
15. Eyes Set to Kill- Pure White Lace
Choidos- Lexington (Johnny Pea-Pot With a Monkey Face)
13. UnderOath- Writing on the Walls
12. Zap Em Dead Bartholomew- Computer Says No
11. Scary Kids Scaring Kids- My Darkest Hour
The Used- I Caught Fire
9. I Set My Friends On Fire- But the NUNS Are Watching
Hopes Die Last- I Belong to the Skies
7. Hawthorne Heights- Saying Sorry
6. Escape the Fate- Not Good Enough For the Truth in Cliche or The Gulliotine
5. Secret & Whisper- Lovers or Werewolves (Werewolves is piano song)
4. Drop Dead, Gorgeous- Dressed For Friend Requests
3. Alesana- Ambrosia
2. From First to Last- Shame Shame or
1. A Skylit Drive- Eva the Carrier OR Its Not Ironic, Its Obvious
There. Good music. Now go look it up

I do feel a good rant coming on

I am empty of thoughts for today. So I don't think I'm going to rant for you. Hey, I have a life too. (LIE) So I think I'll sit around on Myspace or Twitter for hours doing absolutely nothing until I go to Austin on Saturday. -Sigh- Fuck this
Just get out. Now

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Vocal Covers? Video Ads or Torture for Music-Lovers?

Today I am going to give you and example of one of my favorite and least favorite things on the internet: Vocal Covers. Most of them are of hardcore bands because well.... I don't really know but well that's just the way it is. So I think that if you can sing (or scream) then you should advertise yourself for a band through Youtube, Myspace and other social networking sites. Like one of my favorite covers, JFAC Entombment of a Machine by xKenx

This, my friends, is a good vocal cover, he doesnt try anything out of his range and he keeps it steady. Plus, he has CLOTHES ON! No scene fucks that like to scream badly with their shirts off. Yeah you claim nonconformity but well you look like a A&F model. Here, my friends is what I'm talking about. This is Hey, John What's Your Name Again By The Devil Wears Prada sung by Brandon Baker

Notice how he screams well but he kinda sings like shit. So, i guess one flaw isn't that bad, right? Well if you look in his description, he already HAS a band! So why isn't he playing WITH them? Okay two flaws, not that bad. Okay, he has no shirt on. Really, no one looks for vocal covers for guys with their shirts off. So three flaws. Okay the hat, what the hell? Are you trying to be a white boy-pretends-to-be-gangsta? Because its not working. So yes, Brandon Baker, you're earlier covers were the better because NOTHING GOT TO YOU THEN! YOU SANG PURELY FOR THE FUN OF IT AND YOU WERE GOOD! THEN YOU FUCKED THINGS UP!

I might do a vocal cover. I don't know what the future holds.

Soulja Boy Tell 'Em That You Cant Sing

First off, I would like to say that I do not, DO NOT, hate rap or hip-hop. I do however, hate this so called Soulja Boy. So he got famous on the internet, from his song, Crank Dat Soulja Boy. C'mon dude. Seriously you can't even spell out the word "that"? I guess the song is catchy and maybe other people like it but well all the hundreds of spin-offs Crank Dat Calvary Kid, Crank Dat Spiderman etc. just pisses me off. Yeah and his second album! What the fuck kind of album name is that? I mean its a WEBSITE! A fucking URL! You know what, keep repeating the same thing over and over again until you throw up, but me, for one, aren't going to put up with this bullshit anymore. If I so much as hear Kiss me thru the phone again, I'll be looking for a rope, a chair, and an instructional DVD on how to tie a noose. Oh and the sunglasses, GAY! Yep. Even though the conformist fucks wear them, I for one and all my friends won't. So fuck you. And I guess this really wasnt much of a review as per se a rant but really, no one cares. And I wouldn't listen to Soulja Boy for a fucking Klondike bar, even with their thicker more chocolaty shells! (I better be getting paid for this -.-)
Tell 'Em I'll be leaving now
P.S. If you get a package on the mail that the sender says KTLIOADJ, please, PLEASE open it. Do us all a favor. And die. I cannot stress this enough. Please.

Interesting.... Thanks TSIOO

Hahaha! Robert Pattinson (or however you spell it) , also known as Edward Cullen from the movie, Twilight and upcoming New Moon AKA Count Fagula, has picture on the internet of him after a fight and from the looks of it, he got the living shit kicked out of him. Also, if you aren't a teenage girl from the ages of 12 to 18 and live under a rock, go look up The Sky Is Our Oceans review, Breaking the New Moon of the Twilight's Eclipse, about the Twilight... Ahem... Series? And how bad it sucked ass. Also, I'm sick of everyone saying he's SOOOOO HOT!!! Yeah. He's an actor. He's supposed to be hot. And you don't see me going around going OMG OMG OMG MEGAN FOX IS SO HOT AND I'M GOING TO SEE THE SHIT TRANSFORMERS ATTACK OF A CLICHED SUBTITLE JUST TO PRETEND ITS GOOD FOR HER!!!! I'm not saying Twilght is bad.... Oh wait. Yes i am. And yes, I didnt read just the few pages i read the ENTIRE FUCKING SERIES! And yes, even I liked it in the beginning. But then i reread it and then I realize how much of a shit writer Stephanie Meyer is. Yeah i think i just gave a review on Twilight but whatever. It deserves just one more bash on the internet.

Go die, Count Fagula. I hope you run into a real vampire and get eaten. Bitch

Fuck the System

Hello, Internet. I believe this is going to be a wonderful relationship. LIE. If you can stand my pessimistic attitude and don't mind me bashing every mainstream idea you have then maybe, just maybe, we could have a one night stand or two. Yeah. Fuck the system but don't fuck System of a Down. Because you just might get fucked back. Yes. This is probably one of the best (sort of) known bands out there. I mean tracks like Fuck the System, Chop Suey!, and Sugar just make me want to touch myself. Yes, I am serious. This band has been around since '99 and no, I have not been listening to them since then. I started listening to them about two years ago when a longtime friend of mine and I met up and she introduced me. The first song I heard was Fuck the System and i was instantly in love, but i didn't quite know it yet. I maybe heard a few more tracks but then i head Chop Suey! from TSIOO also known as Phil Jordan, one of my other longtime friends, and I was just mesmerized by Serj Tankian's vocals. I mean seriously who can go near rap-speed and then sing a melody and scream his fucking brains out?! Besides me i mean? Nah, I'm joking. But yes, Serj Tankian is one of my heroes. Between his godly vocals and his AMAZING lyrics he even LOOKS psycho. And they're guitarist, 0oh yes. I am a huge fan of tattoos and he looks possessed, another plus. But then I heard the terrible news that SOAD broke up. I nearly cried when I heard that. But then i heard Serj Tankian has a solo project, so I looked that up. And I saw the music video Empty Walls and I was so glad that Serj Tankian was back in the music biz and keeping us all entertained with his voice and top hat. Also, another thing about SOAD, they are so anti-government, as am I, so its like the band is something I believe in! Finally! All they need is a pure-atheism band and I'll be happy. Oh wait. Suicide Silence. My bad guys I forgot. Also there is a rumor going around that SOAD might get back together in 2010 for a reunion tour. I have no idea if that's true but I hope so. Oh and STEAL THIS ALBUM, hilarious name. Keep on rocking guys. We all love you and hope you do get back together.

Another faithful review that no one will read. Teehee

Fall Out Boy and Cartoons

As promised yesterday, I am going to take a crack at Fall Out Boy or FOB if you will. Just typing the name gives me the greatest unease. Well first I'll talk about how they got started, they formed in 2001, the band was formed by.... ahem.. bigots Joseph Mark Trohman and Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III. After various "hardcore" punk bands they decided to start playing crap music that they heard on the radio, such as Green Day, or as I to call them Green Gay. Trohman(vocals and guitar) met Patrick Martin Stump(more guitar and more vocals) in a fucking book store!!! If you don't know enough musically talented people to start a band, just put an ad in the goddamn newspaper or fliers or some shit! I mean come on just recruiting people you meet randomly at Barnes and Nobles?! So they got a record deal and made the album From Under the Cork Tree. Well i have to say it wasn't THAT bad. Yet. They had some decently catchy songs like Sugar, We're Going Down and Dance, Dance. And Stumpy or whatever the hell his name is, I'm googling this shit as we speak, auditioned for DRUMS!!!! WHY THE HELL IS HE THE LEAD FUCKING VOCALIST IF HE'S A DRUMMER?! YOU CAN SING AND DRUM AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME!!! I WOULD KNOW, I'VE DONE IT BEFORE!! And plus their name is from the freaking Simpsons. The sidekick to that shit superhero to that shit show? Yeah that one, the freakin' side kick of Radioactive Man. Plus why the hell does Pete Wentz get all this attention? He's NOT the front-man! (Also known as the lead vocalist.) Is it because he's this word we all know but have actually no idea what the fuck it means: "emo"? Seriously. Anyway, they got more and more famous and all real punk bands I know would get a little pissed off to get played on mainstream radio. So they're newest album Folie à Deux, was a piece of conformist bullshit, and I think i just might be done. Yeah if you want an actual review and not just ranting. Well good sir, I have to say, Fuck you and fuck you hard.

Go die, FOB

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


THIS IS NOT A HALLUCINATION! Hell yeah. Suicide Silence's new album. No Time to Bleed is the same genre as The Cleansing but its a bit more.... well.... FUCKING BRUTAL! I love it and Wake Up is probably the most kickass song ever. CHECK THIS SHIT OUT. Got it on my myspace page.

Wake the fuck up bitches.

Late Night Internet Roaming

Late. Bored. I'm wondering what I should do my next review on..... Feel free to give any suggestions. But don't give stupid suggestions. Because then I might get pissed off and yeah you won't like me when I'm pissed. I'm probably going to load up the Fail Gun and unload a clip or two on one of the mainstream bands that this shit country likes. Maybe Fall Out Boy, maybe The Fray, but no not Green Day. I'll take up too much space by trying to convey to you how much I hate them and how much they really do suck.

Top Five Music in Movies/Games

Top Ten Music in Games
1. God of War
2. Silent Hill
3. Metal Gear Solid
4. Dead Space
5. Resident Evil

Top Ten Music in Movies
1. Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas
2. Lord of the Rings
3. Tim Burton's Corpse Bride
4. National Treasure
5. V for Vendetta

This is MY opinion if you have anything to say about it. Well shut the fuck up, because I don't care.

Just bye. Don't come back if you felt threatened in any way. No one wants to hear your shit banter.

Mora, Gyspyhook and Kai Sui

Yep. That's right kiddies. I'm talking about Sonny Moore. Yes, the ex-frontman from FFTL (Or From First to Last for all you non-music savvy people). He's back! With a new project and for an ex-hardcore singer, he's doing something pretty surprising. I really don't know what it is about his new music. Its just awesome! It sounds great and the vocals are even greater. And since no one like a positive review, I'm going to keep this short. But, I have to say, Mr. Sonny Moore, you made me like electro music. Keep it up. Check out my favorite song by him. Its called Copaface



(UPDATE: 10-08-2009)
I have tried many times to give this band a chance.. Because many people actually like them. Still suck as hard as when I first heard them. Makes me puke a little in my mouth then swallow. Die scene kids, die.

Yeah.... I listened to the hardcore band Brokencyde, the song Bree Bree. They suck so hard that I cant even begin to describe it. Seriously! Their pig squealing sounds like a dying cat, and not in the good way. I mean there is nothing wrong with being original, but they took it a little bit too far.
If you want real pig squealing, or breeing if you may, go look up Job For A Cowboy or Despised Icon.
I do like the way they combine hip hop-ish music and hardcore singing but it kinda reminds me of white boys trying to be gangsta. There is nothing wrong with the music just the, and I use this term lightly, singing and the lyrics. I mean come on, repeating nigga over and over again is just plain annoying as is they way that they use improper grammar. It just sucks. Oh and by the way I have a copyright on my name so if you steal it. I will find you.