Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fall Out Boy and Cartoons

As promised yesterday, I am going to take a crack at Fall Out Boy or FOB if you will. Just typing the name gives me the greatest unease. Well first I'll talk about how they got started, they formed in 2001, the band was formed by.... ahem.. bigots Joseph Mark Trohman and Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III. After various "hardcore" punk bands they decided to start playing crap music that they heard on the radio, such as Green Day, or as I to call them Green Gay. Trohman(vocals and guitar) met Patrick Martin Stump(more guitar and more vocals) in a fucking book store!!! If you don't know enough musically talented people to start a band, just put an ad in the goddamn newspaper or fliers or some shit! I mean come on just recruiting people you meet randomly at Barnes and Nobles?! So they got a record deal and made the album From Under the Cork Tree. Well i have to say it wasn't THAT bad. Yet. They had some decently catchy songs like Sugar, We're Going Down and Dance, Dance. And Stumpy or whatever the hell his name is, I'm googling this shit as we speak, auditioned for DRUMS!!!! WHY THE HELL IS HE THE LEAD FUCKING VOCALIST IF HE'S A DRUMMER?! YOU CAN SING AND DRUM AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME!!! I WOULD KNOW, I'VE DONE IT BEFORE!! And plus their name is from the freaking Simpsons. The sidekick to that shit superhero to that shit show? Yeah that one, the freakin' side kick of Radioactive Man. Plus why the hell does Pete Wentz get all this attention? He's NOT the front-man! (Also known as the lead vocalist.) Is it because he's this word we all know but have actually no idea what the fuck it means: "emo"? Seriously. Anyway, they got more and more famous and all real punk bands I know would get a little pissed off to get played on mainstream radio. So they're newest album Folie à Deux, was a piece of conformist bullshit, and I think i just might be done. Yeah if you want an actual review and not just ranting. Well good sir, I have to say, Fuck you and fuck you hard.

Go die, FOB

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