Saturday, October 10, 2009

Here we go again.

Congratulations Dot Dot Curve (And I REFUSE to put that ridiculous face in the title) you've FUCKED UP MY DAY! You are seriously the second worse band I HAVE EVER FUCKING HEARD! Basically, they copied BrokenCYDE without the shit screaming. Still the same worthless lyrics and the same half-decent rap beats, but guess what's different? THE FANS ARE EVEN MORE STUPID! Anyone who listened to this music should be put to death. By opening their chest and implanting leeches on their heart, then shoving pencils in their ears so they can never hear again. AND IT WOULD BE AN IMPROVEMENT! At least we don't have to punish half-innocent people with this- this- TORTURE! Hey, call the Japanese, we have a new form of torture, make them listen to SCENE BANDS!! And what's up with the comments repeating the same thing over and over again. I GET IT ALREADY THE BAND DIDN'T BREAK UP SOMEONE HACKED "SPANKYS" ACCOUNT!!!!! (Though, I wish they did or maybe died in a freak accident *cough*I did it*cough*) And what's up with the nickname Spanky? Does he liked getting his ass smacked while getting pounded by a gay lumberjack? With his wood penis?

Seriously guys, this is a product of a lazy world, who doesn't care about excellence and are satisfied by mediocrity, or worse, BrokenCYDE..... You can't even call them mediocre I'd have to invent a new word just to describe how terrible this band truly is. Okay, well I basically re-did my BrokenCYDE rant but I don't care.
I will do a Skrillex review in about ten minutes or so. I'll post a link after my signature KTLIOADJ and read the comments guys. Its retarded.


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