Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Attack, Attack this band.

Currently, I am sitting at my computer desk, with my face in my hands. Why? Attack, Attack. This band. Is almost as bad as Dot Dot Curve. Seriously, guys? It was like all techno and hardcore mixed. And what's up with the dancing?! It seems like they are SEIZING. And not in the good way, either. I'll be posting a link to a music vid after the signature and about 1:17, watch the guys legs. Excuse me, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! Scene kids, I hate you. I don't care how pretty your chicks are, I HATE YOU! Why must you encourage this? It's trash, and you know it.

The guitar is decent, the screams are OK, but the vocals sound like every other scene kid band vocals, and I'm damn sick of it.

Seriously, guys? This shit is getting old.



P.S. I've been listening to a lot of different stuff lately.
And what's up with the name? Stick Stickly?
Last time I checked, Stickly wasn't a word.

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